Creating datasets

Creating a dataset

To create a dataset:

  1. Click the + next to Dataset in the catalog builder.

  2. Select one or more views to include.

  3. Define the relationships between the views, specifying join conditions (e.g., one_to_many, many_to_one, etc.) and the appropriate join type. You can find more information on available join types in the Schema on the right-hand side.


The schema displays a list of available options you can use in the dataset YAML file.

Show the dataset YAML schema

name The name of the dataset. This must be unique within the catalog. Defaults to the file name. Optional.

label A user-friendly label for the dataset. This is what is displayed in the UI, and defaults to the name. Optional.

description A description of the dataset. Optional.

from The name of the base view of the dataset.

join A list of joins that are applied to the base view. Optional.

join[*].view The name of the view that is being joined to the base view.

join[*].constraint The condition that the join is made on. This is defined in the dialect detailed here.

join[*].relationship The relationship between the base view and the joined view. This can be one of one_to_one, one_to_many, many_to_one or many_to_many.

join[*].type The type of join. This can be one of inner, left, right, or full. Optional.

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