Sharing permissions
Configure who can see and edit your canvases and reports.
Last updated
Configure who can see and edit your canvases and reports.
Last updated
The sharing menu provides lots of flexibility for how a canvas can be shared.
Depending on what workspace and project settings are active, there are several ways a canvas can be shared.
Enabling this option allows any workspace member to view the canvas and/or report. This option does not apply to workspace guests. If workspace members cannot view this project, then they will find the canvas in the Shared menu in the workspace.
If the project is already shared with the workspace, then this option is disabled as it will have no effect.
This option is only available to project members if the Allow sharing option is enabled in the project settings, otherwise it is only available to project admins.
By default, canvases are visible to anyone that can view the parent project and the permissions that project members have for the canvas are determined by their project role. For example, if someone has a editor role for the project, then they will also have a editor role for the canvas.
To apply additional restrictions on project access, select a different option here.
Anyone with access to a canvas can share it with others using their email address or name. If the invited users aren't members of the workspace they will become workspace members (if their email address is whitelisted) or workspace guests (if workspace guests are allowed).
The invited users will receive a notification email linking them to the canvas directly. If the users are not members of the project they will find the canvas in the Shared menu in the workspace.
This option is available to project members if the Allow sharing option is enabled in the project settings, otherwise it is only available to project admins.
If a canvas is shared with a named person, that role may take precedence over any project or workspace roles.
For example, suppose:
Sarah is a workspace member
Sarah is also a project member with the viewer role
The canvas is shared with the project
Then Sarah will have a viewer role in the canvas due to their project membership, and the fact that the canvas is shared with the project.
If Sarah is then given an explicit editor role in the canvas, they will be able to edit the canvas even if they are only a project viewer.
In the converse case, if a user is given an explicit canvas role that is overridden by a more permissive role elsewhere, a warning will be displayed:
Enabling this option allows anyone to view the canvas, even if they are not signed in to Count. This option must first be enabled in the workspace settings. With this option enabled, when sharing canvas URLs in other places the canvas preview will also become visible and will additionally contain cell results.
This option is only available to project viewers or editors if the Allow sharing option is enabled in the project settings, otherwise it is only available to project admins.
If you create a report, you can choose to share the report but not the canvas by selecting the Can view report only option. Anyone with this role will see an error if they try to navigate to the canvas URL.
If you have an Analyst role in a canvas, you can choose to preview the canvas as another role from the canvas menu:
This is helpful when understanding how your canvas will look to other members of your workspace, and which actions will be allowed or not. To exit the preview, select the same option again from the menu, or click the close icon in the floating notification banner.