Slack integration

Install the Count Slack app

To send alert messages to a Slack channel, you will first need to install the Count Slack app.

Install the app by visiting your user account settings and clicking the Connect Slack button.

Once the app is installed, you will be able to select Slack channels as alert destinations in a canvas.

Use the Count Slack app

  • To view all canvases that are sending alerts to a Slack channel, type /count list in the channel

  • To remove a canvas from a channel, type /count list and click the Delete subscription button.

Send alerts to private Slack channels

To access private Slack channels, you may need to subscribe to a canvas from Slack rather than Count. To do this:

  • Go to the private channel

  • Invite the Count Slack app by typing /invite @count

  • Open the subscriptions dialog by typing /count subscribe

  • Choose the canvas you want to subscribe to from the list (you will need permission to edit the canvas)

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