Shared styles

Define once, use everywhere.

Shared styles allow you to define reusable colors and color palettes that can be used in multiple objects in the canvas. Updating shared styles causes all linked objects to update automatically.

Manage styles

Create styles

Shared styles can be created for colors, categorical palettes and continuous palettes by clicking on the Add icon next to Styles in the right sidebar. (You'll need to make sure you've got nothing selected first.)

After creating a style, you can edit its name and properties from the right sidebar.

Use styles

Shared colors can be selected by switching to the Shared tab in the color picker header:

Shared color palettes can be selected from the top of the list of color palettes:

Edit styles

Existing shared styles can be edited by clicking on the Color thumbnail next to the style. Any changes you make here will update any objects that use this style.

Delete styles

Shared styles can be deleted by clicking on the Delete icon in the right sidebar. Any objects using that style will keep their properties, but are detached from the style.

Workspace styles

Workspace styles are available to workspaces on the Enterprise plan.

Workspace styles allow the reuse of shared styles in multiple canvases and projects. To use these, first create shared styles within a given canvas, then select Publish shared styles to workspace... in the File menu.

Any existing workspace styles are overwritten on publishing. You'll see a confirmation modal if this is the case. Note that removing workspace styles in this way may cause objects to revert to their default colors.

Workspace styles don't appear in the design sidebar - instead, they'll be available alongside the Local options wherever those are displayed.

Last updated