Tags help you organize your work, allowing you to assign statuses and categories to your canvases. They provide a convenient way to classify canvases between projects, but do not have any effect on permissions.
Tags are available on the Pro, Business and Enterprise plans.
Workspace owners and admins can manage the tags available in the workspace, and any workspace member can add or remove tags from the canvases they can edit.
Managing tags
By default, each workspace contains four tags:
In Progress
Needs Review
Creating tags
Workspace owners and admins can add custom tags from the workspace settings.
Click on "Add tag" to create a new custom tag, and give it a name, color and (optionally) a description.
Any workspace member can now assign the custom tag to canvases throughout the workspace.
Editing tags
The name, color and description of existing tags can be changed from these settings.
Deleting tags
Tags can also be deleted from the workspace settings.
Deleting a workspace tag will remove it permanently from all canvases. Note that this action cannot be undone.
Assigning tags to canvases
Any workspace member with edit access to a canvas can add or remove tags. To do this, head to the project that contains the canvas, and click on "Add tag" below the thumbnail (if viewing in a grid) or in the table row (if viewing as a list). From there you can select the tags you want to assign to the canvas, and — if you are a workspace admin or member — you can add new tags if necessary.
Last updated