☁️dbt Cloud integration

Import your dbt Cloud models into Count

Create and configure a dbt Cloud integration

In an existing database connection, select Manage connection, then select the dbt tab.

To connect you will need:

Once your credentials have been verified, you will first need to select a dbt Cloud account to use, after which your dbt Cloud jobs will be listed.

For each job, Count can extract dbt metadata by reading the manifest.json and/or run_results.json files for a particular step in that job. These files are referred to by dbt as Artifacts, and contain information about your models and tests.

You should select artifacts for each job depending on the information you would like to view in Count:

  • If the step involves dbt build or dbt compile (for example) then Count will have access to raw and compiled SQL if you select manifest.json.

  • If the step involves dbt build or dbt test (for example) then Count will have access to test results if you select run_results.json.

In most cases, it will probably suffice to find the single step that performs dbt build and select both the manifest and run results from that step.

Once you have selected the appropriate artifacts, click Finish setup and Count will request these files from dbt Cloud. When the metadata has been retrieved successfully, a message will be displayed at the bottom of the page:


Error creating dbt Cloud integration: Invalid token

You may see this error if your API token is incorrect. Check that the token is valid for the Access URL you have provided.

Error creating dbt Cloud integration: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND

You may see this error if your Access URL is incorrect. Check that the Access URL is valid using the instructions above.

I don't see all of my jobs / my runs don't show any artifacts

This can occur if you are using a service token that was generated while your dbt Cloud account was unpaid. To fix this issue, after upgrading to a paid dbt Cloud account, please generate a new service token and update the dbt Cloud credentials in Count.

Last updated