How to connect MySQL to Count.

Click "Connect a database"

Enter your connection details

You'll need to know

  • the Host

  • Port

  • Database name

  • Username

  • Password

You'll need to make sure your firewall accepts requests from the following IP addresses:

Connections between Count and your database are encrypted by SSL (TLS). Your database must be configured to use SSL in order for Count to connect.

For additional security, you may optionally provide the certificate authority, public client certificate and private client key (in PEM format).


Once you hit Connect you will see your connection details including a full list of tables accessible with this connection.


If you're having trouble connecting, check the error message returned at the top of the Connection page against the table below for a possible fix.

Error snippet

Possible resolution

Can't connect to MYSQL server Connection timed out

Connection Refused



Check your Host and Port settings and that your database server is open to accept connections from the whitelisted Count IP addresses

Access denied for user

Password authentication failed; please check Username, Password, and Database name settings

Not allowed to connect to MYSQL server

Check the Username with these credentials is authorised to connect to the database from the whitelisted Count IP addresses

Self signed certificate in certificate chain

Check that your database server supports SSL connections. If your database server has self-signed certificates, does not support verifiable certificates, or your host is an IP address you may need to add the Certificate Authority or "trust" the incoming server certificate (see SSL certificate errors section below)

SSL certificate errors

If you see a connection error complaining about "self signed certificates", it's likely that there's an issue verifying the SSL certificates issued by your database server against the host parameter of your sever details. This can happen for several reasons

  • You are using manually created self signed certificates, in which case it's not possible to verify the identity of your server

  • The database server does support verifiable certificates (e.g. some Heroku systems)

  • The certificates are issued by the provider of your managed database server (e.g. Digital Ocean, GCP) and the host parameter is an IP address

If anyone of these is the case, the connection issue can usually be resolved either by

  • downloading your database server Certificate Authority (CA) file, usually given in PEM format, and uploading to the "Advanced" section of the connection setup

  • or, activating the "Trust server certificate" in the "Advanced" section of the connection setup

Why don't I need to upload the CA when connecting to other products?

You may be wondering why you're able to connect automatically to clients such as mysql client or other web-based BI tools, but Count may require you to upload the CA certificate.

In the Configuring MySQL to Use Encrypted Connections section of the MySQL documentation, it clarifies that there are 6 modes of SSL support.

By default, Count communicates with your database server by using the most secure method of communication, "verify-full", which provides full protection against eavesdropping and MITM attacks. This method requires full verification of the CA , which may not be possibly if the server does not issue a root certificate, or if the domain of the certificate and the database server host address do not match (as is usually the case where the host parameter is an IP address). In that case, uploading the CA file manually to Count allows the communication to happen safely with the mode "verify-ca", using your uploaded certificate to ensure maximal protection against eavesdropping and MITM attacks.

What does "Trust server certificate" mean?

If you are unable to obtain a copy of your database CA (e.g. some Heroku systems), the only way to initiate encrypted communication with your database is to trust that the certificate sent by the server is correct (SSL mode "require"). This ensures full protection against eavesdropping, but not against MITM attacks. Count will only use this mode of communication if you activate the "Trust server certificate" in the "Advanced" section of the connection setup.

You should consult your database administrator to confirm that this setting is appropriate for your system.

If another product is able to connect automatically without the above worrying about server certificates, it may be worth checking what SSL mode they are using for communication, and whether this is sufficient for your needs.

If you are having trouble connecting, reach out to us to schedule a help session

Last updated