1. Examples and templates

We have a range of examples and templates for all use cases. For ad hoc analysis, here are the ones we'd most recommend for inspiration/help getting started.


  • 20 minute analysis - demonstrating how planning, data exploration and a final output (a slide deck in this case) can live alongside one another in one canvas.

  • AB test results - an example presentation of some AB test results.

  • Every visual under the sun - great for inspiration on what visuals are possible in Count.


If you want to start creating from building blocks, then templates are for you. Count has a built-in library of templates you can use to get started with a report.

Some templates I'd recommend checking out when building an ad hoc analysis are:

The links above direct you to a preview of the template. To add a template to your canvas, select the template icon in the top left corner (next to the Count logo), find the template you'd like to use, and insert it.

💡 When you add templates with empty visuals, you can drag your visual on top of the empty one and it will snap into place.

Can't find the template you're after?

Alternatively, if you have a particular company style you want to ensure exists across all reports, then it is also possible to create your own company templates.

Last updated