Using the catalog
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Once you’ve connected your catalog to the project, you have two options on how to access and interact with your data:
From a new canvas
From the explore page
If you want to do some quick data exploration from your catalog, navigate to a project where the catalog has been imported and select Explore. This will take you to an ephemeral canvas containing a single cell.
Select your catalog from the source list on the right hand side and select the dataset from the dropdown beneath it. From here, you can access your view data and use the low-code drag and drop functionality to create your desired visual or table.
To save any changes you make, click Save as canvas in the top-right corner. This will save the current state of the visual in a new canvas with that single cell. Without saving, any changes will be lost once you navigate away from the page.
Catalogs imported into the project will appear in the source list on the left sidebar of the canvas. You can access these from an existing canvas or by clicking New canvas from the project homepage. Catalogs behave similarly to database connections, but with one key difference:
Only visuals, low-code cells, and control cells can be directly attached to a catalog,
SQL, Python cells, and CSV files cannot be attached to catalogs, however you can write SQL or Python from a table built using the catalog if you have analyst level permissions.
Additionally, the caching behavior for results from catalog cells within a canvas follows the default caching settings of the canvas, just like other cells.