
How to connect BigQuery to Count.

Click "Connect a database"

Enter your connection details

You'll need:

  • the Project ID of the BigQuery instance

  • the Credentials JSON file of a service account with at least the following permissions:


The quickest way to grant these permissions is to assign the service account the roles BigQuery Data Viewer and BigQuery Job User.


Once you hit Connect you will see your connection details including a full list of tables accessible with this connection.

Dataset access

By default, you are able to query any dataset in the BigQuery project (limited by the supplied credentials). You are also able to query datasets in other BigQuery projects (as long as the credentials have access to those projects), but datasets in other BigQuery projects will not appear in the Count UI.

If table access is restricted within a Count project, then canvases in that project will be unable to query tables outside of this BigQuery project.


The most common issue when connecting to BigQuery data is getting the service account permissions correct.

Double-check the service account permissions with the list above.

Additionally, if your BigQuery datasets contain tables that reference External datasources, please check that the service account has viewer access to the files/buckets/drives where the datasources reside.

Out of Memory Errors:

If you are connecting to a BigQuery project with many (1000s) of tables, you may see an out-of-memory error when you try to connect. To resolve this, you can limit the datasets you want to connect to using the following steps:

  1. Create a new service account and only grant BigQuery Job User permission

2. In the BigQuery console, go the dataset you want to assign permission to, and click 'Share Dataset' (instructions here).

3. Then add the service account email to the dataset with BigQuery Data Viewer permission:

4. Repeat this for any other datasets you want this service account to have access to.

5. Then add the service account key to Count and you'll only access the tables for the datasets you've specifically chosen.

If you are having trouble connecting, reach out to us to schedule a support session

Last updated