5. Collaborating with a stakeholder

When it comes to sharing we have a few options depending on who we're communicating to and what we're communicating.

We can at this point share our ad hoc analysis in few different ways, including:

  • Share the whole canvas - Ideal if your workings are just as important as the insight you've found.

    • Decide the permission level of the user you're sharing with - do you want them to just be a viewer, or allow them full edit access?

  • Share the report. Reports are a way to share a stripped-back part of your canvas in the form of a slide deck. This is ideal if you will have many viewers and you don't want to distract them with your workings.

    • In the report view, users can only change filters and add comments.

You'll then also want to decide if you want to lock the canvas or not.

As we're dealing with an ad hoc analysis here, we'll focus on sharing the whole canvas. Skip to the "sharing your report" section of "Your first report" to learn about sharing reports and locked canvases!

Sharing the whole canvas

This is perfect when you want to bring in a stakeholder to align on objectives/share early findings, or with someone else from the data team to review your logic.

First you need to decide on access and permissions:

Decide where to grant access from

When it comes to access, you have a huge amount of flexibility. You can decide to share a canvas at an individual user level, at a project level, or workspace level.

When first getting started in Count we'd recommend using the project level to make sure you always know who has access in a given project.

See our docs here to learn more about the options available.

Pick the user permission levels you want

Whether you share a canvas with an individual user, with a project, or with a whole workspace, you have the ability to decide what level of access all those users have.

See here to learn more about permission levels, but in summary the options available are:

  • Can edit - full access to edit all cells

  • Can edit low-code cells - full access to edit low-code cells and visuals

  • Can edit (excl. data) - access to whiteboard features, but cannot edit cells

  • Can view - can view the canvas, change control cells and leave comments

  • Can view report - can view the canvas in report mode, change control cells and leave comments, but nothing else

In this case when you're sharing an ad hoc analysis, it's likely you'll want to share using one of the first 3 options listed above, so your stakeholder can collaborate with you. In this way, they'll be able to add to the work you've done and leave their inputs/insights.

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