Exposing catalogs to the workspace

Adding the catalog to a project

Once you're satisfied with the catalog and have committed all necessary changes to ensure it's saved, the next step is to assign the catalog to a project.

  1. Navigate to the project

  2. Select Manage data

  3. Select the catalogs you want to access within the project, just as you would when adding another data source, such as a database connection.

Projects can be assigned any number of connections or catalogs

Adding users to the project

Once you've attached the catalog to your project, the next step is to grant users access and define their roles and permissions.

  1. Select Manage Access from the project homepage.

  2. Click Add Members.

  3. Add members from your workspace and assign appropriate roles. The roles you assign will determine the level of permissions each user has when accessing the catalog within the project.

There is the option to grant access to everyone in the workspace, which is ideal for company-wide projects, or you can add specific individuals or groups with tailored permissions. By default, these permissions apply to all canvases in the project.

While you can assign additional permissions to individual canvases, we recommend managing catalog access at the project level for easier maintenance.

Find more information on project permissions on the project settings page.

Last updated