Query caching and scheduled queries
How to control when your queries run.
Enable caching in your workspace
Caching must first be enabled in your workspace settings.
Query caching is only available on paid plans.
Set your canvas caching settings
In the top right of the canvas you'll notice a play button. Clicking it will open the option to Refresh all results or view Caching settings.
These settings are only accessible by analysts and above.
Caching settings
In the caching settings menu, there are three options for caching the queries for this canvas:
Never cache results
With this setting, whenever your canvas or report is opened, the queries in any visible frames will be sent to the database, ensuring the most up-to-date data possible. This option will result in the largest load on your database.
Cache results for...
With this setting, queries will not run until the cache expiry time has elapsed. If cells are edited or executed with the Run cell button, then queries are always re-run. This option ensures you have the 'fresh' data when you need it, and helps minimise load on your database.
Cache results indefinitely
With this setting, queries will not run unless cells are edited or executed with the Run cell button. This is the least 'fresh' option of all, but the most appealing if you want to keep a snapshots of data.
For canvases that indefinitely cache their results, each time a version of the canvas is created, a snapshot of the current query results is saved, allowing you to browse historical data
Scheduling settings
With this setting you can set when you want the queries to refresh in your canvas or report. Once they have been updated, they won't run again unless edited, forced to re-run, or until the next scheduled update time.
Last updated